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How to Stay Cozy this Winter (While Saving Money, Too!)

HomeBlogHow to Stay Cozy this Winter (While Saving Money, Too!)

Winter is a time when the temperatures plummet and we really start to miss those longer, sunny hours of the spring and summer. Here at Insurance Store, we want to make sure your home is comfortable as well as properly insured, so we have a few ideas that we hope will help you stay cozy this winter and help you save money, too!

How to Stay Cozy this Winter (While Saving Money, Too!)

Here are a few that we know will help in the short and long-term:

  • Get a Home Energy Audit. Yes, that’s right– we are telling you to volunteer for an audit! An energy audit is a thorough examination of the energy loss that occurs throughout your home. Once the audit is complete, you’ll know the biggest culprits of energy loss (and money wastage) and be given remedies to fix the issue.
  • Insulate, Insulate, Insulate! Most homes are under-insulated, and adding insulation to places like your crawlspace or attic can dramatically improve your comfort levels, as well as your utility bill. Extra insulation keeps the warm air in and the cold air out, making your home eco-friendlier, more cost-effective, and comfortable. While you’re insulating, don’t forget to insulate yourself with some layers– it works just as well as cranking up the heat!
  • Let the Sunshine In! If you have an unobstructed window with sunlight, open the drapes and take advantage of some free heating. Even the winter sunshine can help to heat up a room.

To learn more about how you can stay cozy this winter while also saving money, give us a call here at Insurance Store today!

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